Molecular clocks, biogeography and species diversity in Herichthys with evaluation of the role of Punta del Morro as a vicariant brake along the Mexican Transition Zone in the context of local and global time frame of cichlid diversification

A cura di Pérez-Miranda, Fabian, Omar Mejia, Benjamín López, Oldrich Rican

PeerJ, 8; e8818 29-apr-2020. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8818

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Pérez-Miranda, Fabian & Omar Mejia, Benjamín López, Oldrich Rican. 2020. "Molecular clocks, biogeography and species diversity in Herichthys with evaluation of the role of Punta del Morro as a vicariant brake along the Mexican Transition Zone in the context of local and global time frame of cichlid diversification". PeerJ. 8; e8818. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8818 (ffm09699) (riassunto)