Male P. mexicana chasing a female
A male of Poecilia mexicana chasing a female of P. formosa in the spring El Ojito at Jaumave Valley, Guayalejo River, Pánuco drainage [Tamaulipas]. Photo par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. identifié par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas




Dernière mise à jour le :

Poecilia formosa (Girard, 1859)

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Conservation: Poecilia formosa est évalué par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature dans la Liste Rouge des espèces menacées comme étant (LC) préoccupation mineure (2019). Listed as Least Concern given the large range of this species spanning from The Rio Bravo basin southward to Laguna Tampamachoco near Tuxpan, the large number of subpopulations, and the lack of major threats. The trend over the past 10 years or three generations is uncertain but likely relatively stable, or the species may be declining but not fast enough to qualify for any of the threatened categories (NatureServe & Daniels, 2019).