Male in the aquarium
Male of Xiphophorus meyeri from Muzquiz [Coahuila] in the aquarium of the Museum of Natural History of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon circa 1991. Fotografato da Andreas Tveteraas. determinatore Juan Miguel Artigas Azas



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Xiphophorus meyeri Schartl & Schröder, 1988

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Descrizione originale come Xiphophorus meyeri:


  • Schartl, Manfred & J.H. Schröder. 1988. "A new species of the genus Xiphophorus Heckel 1848, endemic to northern Coahuila, Mexico (Pisces: Poeciliidae)". Senckenbergiana biologica. 68(4-6):311-321 (ffm00062) (riassunto)

Sinonimi (1):

Conservazione: Xiphophorus meyeri è valutata dalle organizzazioni internazionali di salvaguardia delle specie a rischio come (EW) Extinct in natura (2018). Due to complete loss of habitat through water abstraction for mining activities wich let to its comlete dessecation, the species is considered extinct in the wild. The last sighting of this species was in 1997 and it has since been extensively sampled (Almada-Villela et al., 2019). The habitat has now been recovered and a major priority for conservation of this species is reintroduction of ex-situ individuals back into its natural habitat.