Freshly collected adult
Freshly collected adult of Fundulus philpisteri at Baños de San Ignacio, San Fernando drainage [Nuevo León]. 攝影者 Marco Arroyo. 鑑定者 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas




Fundulus philpisteri García-Ramirez, Contreras-Balderas & Lozano-Vilano, 2007


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最初命名為 Fundulus philpisteri:


  • García-Ramírez, María Elena & Salvador Contreras-Balderas. María de Lourdes Lozano-Vilano. 2007. "Fundulus philpisteri sp. nv. (Teleostei: Fundulidae) from the Río San Fernando basin, Nuevo León, México". Studies of North American desert fishes in honor of E.P. (Phil) Pister, conservationist. University de Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico. 13-19 (ffm01076) (摘要)

保育: Fundulus philpisteri 被評鑑為國際自然保育聯盟瀕危物種紅皮書名單中的 (CR) 瀕臨絕種(極危) (2018). The main threats to the species are water pollution caused by recreational activities at the Ramsar Site and agricultural run-off from the surrounding area. The presence of Coipú (Myocastor coypus) has also lead to a decline in the species' habitat quality (Maiz-Tome et al., 2019).