Lee Newman,
Freshwater Fishes of Mexico

Lee Newman

última actualización el 27-sept.-1996

Lee Newman, of Vancouver, Canada, has been keeping freshwater tropical fish for 27 years and for the last 18 years has primarily been keeping and breeding South American cichlids. For the last decade or so, Lee has been studying the husbandry of demonfish, cichlids of the genus Satanoperca. He has collected cichlids, mainly Satanoperca, in Peru and Brazil.

After having completed an Aquaculture program, Lee is currently employed at the Vancouver Aquarium as the Curator of the Graham Amazon Gallery. He has contributed to the ACA's journal, the Buntbarsche Bulletin, Cichlid News and ACARA, journal of the South American Cichlid Study Group (SACSG).

The lectures that Lee currently presents include:


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