Jezioro Chapala w latach 1970.
Pocztówka znad jeziora Chapala w miejscowości Chapala [Jalisco]. Podane współrzędne GPS są zbliżone do tej lokalizacji. (20.289°N, 103.193933°W). Zdjęcie autorstwa Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.


Ostatnia aktualizacja:

Lerma-Chapala: Lake Chapala

Ochrona: The diversion of water from its main course and effluents, mainly to agricultural use reached a point in 2001 when Lake Chapala had reduced its volume to an estimated of just 16 percent, leaving the shores kilometers away from their historical location. This situation, added to the fact that México second most populated city, Guadalajara, mainly depends on Chapala for their water consumption, created a critical situation. Nowadays thankfully the level of Lake Chapala has almost returned to normal.


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