Madgalena lagoon
Magdalena lagoon, Ameca drainage, completely dry at the end of the dry season. Fish fauna has apparently been lost at this place.Fotografato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (12-mag-2022).

Ameca - Manantlán

Bacino fluviale


20.905776°N, 104.00543°W


Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

water hyacinths

Ameca: Magdalena lagoon

Conservazione: On 12-May-2022, I stopped at “Los Arcos” at the eastern side of the lake, at the end of the dry season just shallow poodles remained at the bottom of a circular channel that runs at the side of the lake, the rest of the lake was dry. I did not verify if any fish was present, but it is likely. Google Maps imagery shows that in 2020 the lagoon was full, so it seems it may just be experiencing a drier environment.

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