Balneario Almoloya
People enjoying at the main soring pool at Balneario Almoloya, Ameca drainage [Jalisco]. The spring is located at the back corner. (20.9014°N, 104.079312°W). 攝影者 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (12-5月-2022).



Ameca: Balneario Almoloya

保育: On 12-May-2022 the place remains in good shape except for the abundance of exotic species, which included Oreochromis aureus, Poecilia reticulata, Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus, and Xiphophorus helleri. On that date, we could not see any Xenotoca melanosoma, but our survey was not extensive. The number of exotics is high and seems to have an impact in the local fish fauna, which is not plentiful. The two most abundant native species were G. atripinnis and A. splendens.


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