Ojo de Agua de la Presa
Ojo de Agua de la Presa, once a wet area and spring that was dried up in the early 1990s by unscrupulous extraction of water to use in inefficient crop watering systems [Nuevo León]. (24.152997°N, 100.061928°W). Foto von Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (26-Apr.-2023).



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Bajio Quelitos: Ojo de Agua de la Presa

Artenschutz: Ojo de Agua de la Presa dried up in the early 1990s (Tveteraas, 1995), with the consequential extinction of Cyprinodon ceciliae from its only habitat. The disappearance of the other times spring and wet areas is a clear example of the unscrupulous and unsustainable exploration of water from the water table for inefficient watering of crops, done in front of the eyes of the uninterested community.


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