Rio Blanco
Rio Blanco, Soto la Marina drainage, at Mezquital ]Nuevo León]. (24.15665°N, 99.739197°W). 攝影者 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (25-4月-2023).




Soto la Marina: Río Blanco at Mezquital

保育: As per my most recent visit on 25 April 2023 (Artigas Azas, 2023), the river remains in a suitable state of conservation. In the past, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was introduced in the prong at the park El Salto near the town of Zaragoza, from which the population extended downstream. During my visit, I saw that the pools and raising areas used for this species are now abandoned and empty, with no more trout visible in the river.


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