Freshly collected adult
Freshly collected adult of Chirostoma jordani at Orandino dam, Lerma drainage at Jacoma [Michoacan]. Fotografato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (20-ago-2021). determinatore Juan Miguel Artigas Azas



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Chirostoma jordani Woolman, 1894


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Descrizione originale come Chirostoma jordani:


  • Woolman, Albert J.. 1894. "Report on a collection of fishes from the rivers of central and northern Mexico". Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission. 14:55-66 (ffm04517)

Sinonimi (1):

Conservazione: Chirostoma jordani è valutata dalle organizzazioni internazionali di salvaguardia delle specie a rischio come (LC) basso rischio (2018). The species is widespread and while it is possibly declining in parts of its range, it is not thought that any global population decline is likely. Chirostoma jordani is however threatened by habitat degradation in part of its range. A study of the Rio Lerma drainage concluded that the basin has experienced a staggering amount of degradation during the 20th century (Soto Galera, 2019).