Mâle dans la rivière Sabinas
Herichthys cyanoguttatus mâle adulte dans la rivière Sabinas, fleuve Grande [Mexique]. Photo par Manuel Salazar González. (23-mai-2009). identifié par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas








Dernière mise à jour le :

Herichthys cyanoguttatus Baird & Girard, 1854

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Décrit initialement sous Herichthys cyanoguttatus:


  • Baird, Spencer F. & C.F. Girard. 1854. "Descriptions of new species of fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, and in Texas by Capt. Stewart Van Vliet, U. S. A". Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. (7):24-29 (ffm00256)

Conservation: Herichthys cyanoguttatus n'est pas évalué par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature dans la Liste rouge des espèces menacées. Although H. cyanoguttatus is not considered under any kind of special protection, having a very large distribution range, some of the areas where it is found are subject to several environmental pressures. Rivers in northern Mexico are diverted for irrigation purposes, and exotic species, potentially competitive, like species of Tilapia and Oreochromis, have been widely introduced. An isolated population in the springs at la Mota park in the Ocampo valley in Coahuila state, dried up in recent years due to over exploitation of the water resources, an increasing risk for many populations in this every day more populated and dry area of Mexico.