Male from Etzatlán
Xenotoca melanosoma adult male from a creek between Etzatlán and San Marcos [Jalisco], in the Aquaculture laboratory (Acualab) of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Morelia [Michoacán], in charge of Omar Domínguez Domínguez. Photo par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (06-nov.-2014). identifié par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas





Dernière mise à jour le :

Xenotoca melanosoma Fitzsimons, 1972

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Conservation: Xenotoca melanosoma est évalué par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature dans la Liste Rouge des espèces menacées comme étant (EN) en danger (2018). Xenotoca melanosoma is threatened by chemical water pollution caused by agricultural activities (nutrients, herbicides, pesticides, sediments) and waste water discharge from towns and villages. This especially impacts larger river (ríos Ameca and Tamazula) and endorheic lagoons. Furthermore, heavy droughts caused by climate change and the silting up of habitats, mainly in the drainages of the lagoons west of the Chapala lake, lead to a decline in locations and the disappearance of this species from many areas. Introduction of Blue Tilapia and the occurrence of other non-native fish species (Xiphophorus helleri, Sunfish, Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus) has resulted in competition for food within these habitats, causing severe declines. In a few spring-fed ponds, recreational activities might cause also declines in stocks, especially when existing riparian vegetation is eradicated (Köck, 2019).

In 2008, it was estimated that the X. melanosoma had experienced a 75% reduction in its historical range (Domínguez Domínguez et al., 2008:505).