Adult at Burro Creek
Adult of Agosia chrysogaster at Burro Creek, Colorado drainage [Arizona]. Fotografato da Ryan P O'Donnell. determinatore Juan Miguel Artigas Azas



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Agosia chrysogaster Girard, 1856

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Descrizione originale come Agosia chrysogaster:


  • Girard, Charles Frederic. 1856. "Researches upon the cyprinoid fishes inhabiting the fresh waters of the United States, west of the Mississippi Valley, from specimens in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution". Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8:165-213 (ffm04542)

Sinonimi (1):

Conservazione: Agosia chrysogaster è valutata dalle organizzazioni internazionali di salvaguardia delle specie a rischio come (LC) basso rischio (2018). Threats include habitat alterations and interactions with non-native fish species. Large areas of habitat have been destroyed by dewatering, stream diversion, groundwater pumping, dam construction, channel and watershed erosion, and other factors. Localized or regional threats have likely resulted in population decline or extirpation at the local scale. however, the total population is very large and the species is represented by a large number of locations and occurrences (NatureServe et al., 2019).