Illustration of Holotype
Holotype of Chirostoma ocotlanae as illustrated in the original description (Jordan & Snyder, 1899) and stored at the California Academy of Sciences [San Francisco] with registration SU 6160 (formerly at Standford University). Fotografato da anynomous . Inviato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.

Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Chirostoma ocotlanae Jordan & Snyder, 1899

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Considerato un sinonimo junior di Chirostoma lucius Boulenger, 1900

  • Reis, Roberto E & S.O. Kullander, C.J. Ferraris Jr.. 2003. "Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America". Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, Brasil. i-xi + 1-729 (ffm00970)

Descrizione originale come Chirostoma ocotlanae:

  • Jordan, David Starr & J.O. Snyder. 1899. "Notes on a collection of fishes from the rivers of Mexico, with description of twenty new species". Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission. 19:115-147 (ffm00041)