Nessuna immagine di qualità disponibile per illustrare Aguanaval: Balneario Atotonilco, ove ne avessi una e desiderassi collaborare, per favore fatti avantiContattata l'editore.

Mayran - Viesca

Bacino fluviale


23.550547°N, 103.265161°W



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Aguanaval: Balneario Atotonilco

Conservazione: During my most recent visit (Artigas Azas, 2023) I could see a population boom of an exotic Gambusia I could not recognize (aff. to G. regani) and had not seen before at the place. After wide and vigorous efforts I could not locate a single specimen of Xenotoca variata, even after trying several areas.

In the past, the pool that they inhabited in large numbers had been modified into a concrete-lined pool and they had disappeared. The close by wet area where I first found them is now dry, so they appear to have disappeared. Future efforts to locate the species in the area should determine if this is true. My previous visit to the area was on 28 Aug 2016 when I found a healthy but reduced population.

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