Arroyo Las Moras
Arroyo Las Moras at San Rafael, Mezquital drainage [Durango]. (24.320428°N, 104.767245°W). Fotografato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (03-mag-2023).

Mayran - Viesca

Bacino fluviale


24.320428°N, 104.767245°W



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Mezquital: Arroyo Las Moras at San Rafael

Conservazione: How in hell Goodea atripinnis got to the area is a mystery to me. I first saw it at San Vicente de Chupaderos in the mid-1990s when the population of Characodon lateralis known from the springs at the place had already disappeared and only Goodea atripinnis and Lepomis macrochirus were present.

During my visit in 2023 there was a good population of Characodon lateralis, but with so many exotic species and constantly lower water levels, I wonder if those populations will remain there for long.

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