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Hybopsis aulidion (Chernoff & Miller, 1986)

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Descrizione originale come Notropis aulidion:


  • Chernoff, Barry & R.R. Miller. 1986. "Fishes of the Notropis calientis complex with a key to the southern shiners of Mexico". Copeia. 1986(1):170-183 (ffm00135) (riassunto)

Conservazione: Hybopsis aulidion è valutata dalle organizzazioni internazionali di salvaguardia delle specie a rischio come (EX) Estinto (2019). H. aulidion was collected only in 1951 and 1961. Since the mid-1960s, Durango City has grown considerably, with the result that streamflows have become reduced and domestic and industrial pollution have adversely affected surface waters. In addition, introduced species have seriously impacted native fishes by competition and predation. Just a small fraction of the original 11 species known from the drainage still occur there. None is a cyprinid. Introduced largemouth bass, in particular, have seriously affected the native biota. Attempts to locate the Durango shiner have so far failed, and we therefore doubt that the species survives (Chernoff & Miller, 1986:178; Miller et al., 1990:26). Hybopsis aulidion was estimated to have gone extinct in 1965 (Burkhead, 2012).