
Report for 2023 Northern Mexico Fish Surveying Trip

Por Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel

Freshwater Fishes of Mexico, 20-dic.-2023

" This is a fish surveying report for the trip we have labeled Northern Mexico 2023, done mostly to the states of Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, and Zacatecas. The trip was carried out by José-Antonio Granados [Spain] and Juan Miguel Artigas Azas, from 24-Apr-2023 to 4-May-2023, our principal aim was to do a general visit to sites I had previously visited and to check some important localities of Characodon lateralis. Given the large extension of the area and limited time, the trip was restricted to just 18 localities — I grouped the dried-up springs in Sandia, Nuevo León, into one locality. We were able to see 26 native species we photographed most of them, either in a photo tank, underwater, or both "

Report for 2023 Northern Mexico Fish Surveying Trip

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Ofrecido por: Freshwater Fishes of Mexico

Article statistics: twenty-two pages, sixty-three illustrations, 14.1 MB pdf size.

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Clasificación: Distribución y exploración.

Idioma: English

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel. 2023. "Report for 2023 Northern Mexico Fish Surveying Trip". Freshwater Fishes of Mexico (ffm01253) (resumen)