The scientific names Notropis stramineus (Cope) and N. ludibundus (Girard)

创建者 Poly, W.J

American Midland Naturalist, (151):164 2004

" Two scientific names referring to the sand shiner have appeared in the literature during the past decade. A ruling by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature in 2002 (Opinion, 1991) conserved the more commonly used name, Notropis stramineus (Cope, 1865), and this name should be used rather than the name N. ludibundus (Girard, 1856) "

语言: English

Poly, W.J. 2004. "The scientific names Notropis stramineus (Cope) and N. ludibundus (Girard)". American Midland Naturalist. (151):164 (ffm00146) (摘要)