Threatened fishes of the world: Herichthys labridens (Pellegrin, 1903)

创建者 Miranda, R., S. Monks, D. Galicia, G. Pulido-Flores

Environmental Biology of Fishes, 86(3), 377-328 11月-2009. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-009-9528-x

语言: English

Miranda, R. & S. Monks, D. Galicia, G. Pulido-Flores. 2009. "Threatened fishes of the world: Herichthys labridens (Pellegrin, 1903)". Environmental Biology of Fishes. 86(3), 377-328. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-009-9528-x (ffm02933)