Adult in Rio Tamasopo
Herichthys tamasopoensis in Rio Tamasopo, Pánuco drainage [México]. Note the rounded belly result if the constant ingestion of auwfuchs from the rocks. 摄影者 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (19-2月-2006). 鉴定者 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas









Herichthys tamasopoensis Artigas Azas, 1993


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最初描述为 Herichthys tamasopoensis:


保育: Herichthys tamasopoensis 由国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)在濒危物种红色名录中为自然保育而进行了评估 evaluated (VU) 易危(Vulnerable) (2018). Not listed in the Mexican Official Norm NOM-059-ECOL-2001.

For many years, the untreated or badly treated wastes of sugar mills, plus the pesticides and fertilizers used in sugar cane growing have destroyed many ecosystems in Mexico, and the Rio Gallinas, one of the most beautiful areas, has not been an exception. Although conditions have improved somewhat.

Pollution is a serious problem to the environment and to the beauty of the Rio Gallinas habitat. To top that off, every year more areas on the sides of the tropical steppe and the rain forest mountains are being cut for agricultural use, with the consequent run off of soil and sediments that change the rivers’ physiognomy and ecology.

Garbage left by indifferent people after picnics in the popular places along the Rio Gallinas is also a common problem and although some areas are being cleaned up by local inhabitants, the overall incredibly beauty of the area is being lost slowly but surely, bit by bit every year. If you could see how I first saw this area 30 years ago, and how it is in comparison today, you would not have any other choice but to be depressed and lose hope in a human future.

Incredibly, nowadays there are still active programs, with federal government support, for the introduction and raising of the exotic tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, (or other similar species), in the valley of Rascón, with an imminent risk of invasion of the natural courses. It seems that we haven’t learned the lesson from so many other habitats affected by the introduction of exotics that have even led many native species to extinction.

The Rio Gallinas is a wonderful place full of marvelous fauna that still has so much to show and give to us humans with its unique and fantastic beauty!.