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Caecieleotris morrisi Walsh & Chakrabarty, 2016


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最初描述为 Caecieleotris morrisi:


  • Walsh, Stephen J & Prosanta Chakrabarty. 2016. "A new genus and species of blind sleeper (Teleostei: Eleotridae) from Oaxaca, Mexico: First obligate cave gobiiform in the western hemisphere". Copeia. 104(2):506-517. DOI: 10.1643/CI-15-275 (ffm01274) (摘要)

保育: Caecieleotris morrisi 未被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)在濒危物种红色名录中为自然保育进行评估. Insofar as Caecieleotris morrisi is presently known only from the type series collected over two decades ago and nothing is known regarding distribution or population abundance, it is strictly conjecture to speculate the conservation status of the species. However, there have been extensive hydrologic modifications in the region of the type locality, and the biologically rich State of Oaxaca has undergone extensive land-use changes over the last few decades. These changes include widespread deforestation that is projected to continue into the future, one of many factors known to degrade and threaten subterranean habitats (Walsh & Chakrabarty, 2016:513).